Phantom: Covert Ops disponibile da oggi!

Andare in Kayak non è mai stato così pericoloso

Phantom Covert Ops, l’innovativo titolo sviluppato da nDreams in collaborazione con Oculus Studios, è disponibile da oggi sugli store Oculus Quest e Oculus Rift. Il gioco è stato descritto come uno dei più immersivi stealth action game disponibili per la piattaforma Oculus (Oculus Quest e Rift S) in quanto riesce a superare in maniera brillante e intelligente uno dei principali problemi della VR, ovvero l’impossibilità di tracciare il movimento delle gambe. Phantom Covert Ops, infatti, è un vero e proprio action stealth ma tutte le operazioni saranno svolte a bordo del vostro Kayak militare che utilizzerete per infiltrarvi all’interno di una installazione paramilitare guidata dall’ex ufficiale sovietico Nikolai Zhurov (doppiato da David Hayter). In queste ore lo stiamo provando e non vediamo l’ora di potervi dire la nostra nella recensione che arriverà a breve su 4News – 4VR. Intanto eccovi un assaggio di gameplay dal trailer di gioco. 

Phantom: Covert Ops OUT NOW!

Welcome to Stealth Action Redefined for VR

We are proud to announce that Phantom: Covert Ops, for the Oculus Quest and Rift platforms, is now available for purchase on the Oculus Store for £22.99/$29.99/€29.99.

Seated in a military-grade tactical kayak, Phantom: Covert Ops immerses players in the role of an elite and deadly covert operative dispatched into remote, hostile wetlands with the sole aim of defeating disgraced former Soviet General, Nikolai Zhurov (played by David Hayter). Every action in the game, from silently hiding while enemies search, to reloading weapons, to strategically planting explosives, is recreated in stunning 1:1, bringing levels of tension, immersion and excitement never before experienced in the stealth-action genre.

Developed by nDreams and created in partnership with Oculus Studios, Phantom: Covert Ops has been described as “one of the most immersive VR games you’ll play this year” and has received numerous awards, including the E3 2019 Game Critics Award for Best VR Game, since its first showing last year.

 “Phantom: Covert Ops has had so much passion, hard work and creativity poured into it by the team here at nDreams. They have delivered a truly immersive VR game and words can’t express how proud I am of them”, said Patrick O’Luanaigh, CEO. “I’ve been blown away by what they, along with the support of Oculus Studios, have achieved throughout development, especially on the Oculus Quest. This really is stealth action redefined for VR and we can’t wait for people to be able to play it.”

 Phantom: Covert Ops is out now for Oculus Quest and Rift platforms on the Oculus Store.


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